Digital Learning for All: A Games and Learning Report

Over the past few months, the team at Games and Learning has sought to better understand the impact of the sudden shift to remote learning on American kids. We reviewed relevant research reports, tracked device distribution strategies across more than 100 school districts and held bi-weekly discussions with content providers. We convened several dozen thought leaders to discuss the latest research, and explore opportunities for providing high-quality digital learning tools to all students. The following articles provide highlights from our analysis and recommendations for next steps.


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Bridge the Equity Gap with Digital Learning

How can digital content help vulnerable kids who are learning at home? We convened a three-part summit with leading funders, researchers, content providers and outreach organizations. 


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Shift to Remote Learning Increases Access for Students in Need

Per our analysis, as of July 16th, 2020, more than 3 million devices (Chromebooks, laptops, iPads and other tablets, etc.) have been distributed to students across the United States.  



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The Digital Divide: A Pre-Existing Condition for At-Risk Students

As the COVID-19 pandemic stretched from weeks to months, it exposed deep-rooted inequalities that have existed in various areas of society for years, and education was no different.