Tips for Parents
These resources provide advice for many families who juggle working at home, learning at home and managing a complex set of concerns and emotions.
New York Times: How to Home School During Coronavirus
This article includes advice for setting schedules, balancing multiple remote-learning plans and structuring academic activities around attention spans.
The Washington Post: Veteran home-schoolers share tips for parents during coronavirus closures
Tips from veteran home-schoolers include creating a learning environment, setting a realistic schedule and being careful with checklists.
Working and Learning from Home
American Academy of Pediatrics: Working and Learning from Home During the COVID-19 Outbreak
American Academy of Pediatrics offers tips to help you cope with this “new normal," including topics such as how to slow the spread, keep a routine and choose quality screen time.
MindShift: Coronavirus Triple Duty: Working, Parenting and Teaching From Home
This NPR story offers a perspective on juggling competing demands as parents and children are forced to adjust to a new rhythm of school and work at home.
De-Stressing as a Family
PBS KIDS: How You and Your Kids Can De-Stress During Coronavirus
This article offers tips for calming the stress response in both parents and kids, using techniques that families can do together.
Clinical Support
Child Mind Institute: Supporting Families During COVID-19The Child Mind Institute offers supportive resources including Facebook live chats with expert clinicians (10 a.m. EST and 4:30 p.m. EST), phone consultations to answer questions about managing kids at home and daily video tips for parenting during the crisis.