Tips for Teachers

From setting up a virtual classroom to keeping remote learners engaged, these resources offer tools and strategies to help teachers navigate a wide variety of current challenges.

Technical Support

Google: Teach from Home

A temporary hub of information with a downloadable toolkit. Topics include how to setup video calls and livestream lessons, how to make a class website, how to work on a virtual whiteboard and how to keep in touch with parents.

Teaching Strategies

Edutopia: 4 Tips for Teachers Shifting to Teaching Online

An educator with experience in distance learning shares what he’s learned: Keep it simple, and build in as much contact as possible.

Edutopia: How to Support Home Learning in Elementary Grades

A first and second grade teacher shares his home learning plan for his students and how he is engaging their families.

EdSurge & ISTE: Navigating Uncertain Times: How Schools Can Cope With Coronavirus

EdSurge and ISTE are collecting resources to help school leaders make informed decisions, with tips on how to move to remote learning. Fridays at 11 a.m. / 2 p.m., tune into a weekly webinar series featuring expert panelists. 


MindShift: Resources For Teaching and Learning During This Period of Social Distancing

This brief guide aims to help educators, administrators, and parents better navigate the pitfalls of making the quick jump to online learning. It curates resources with a view to maintain the indispensable human touch of teaching and learning during this period of social distancing.

Edutopia: Teaching Through a Pandemic: A Mindset for This Moment

Hundreds of teachers, many of them operating in countries where teach-from-home has been in place for weeks, weigh in on the mental approach you need to stay grounded in this difficult time.